Closed rhinoplasty is among the rhinoplasty surgeries performed quickly and smoothly in Antalya. The nose, which fulfills an important function such as breathing, is one of our important organs. The shape of the nose in the center of the face is an element that is paid attention to in appearance. There are medical interventions, sometimes for aesthetic purposes and sometimes to improve respiratory function. Rhinoplasty surgery, one of them, can be performed using open or closed methods. For those who want to have closed rhinoplasty surgery in Antalya, our specialist doctors apply successful treatments.

What is Closed Rhinoplasty?

Closed rhinoplasty surgery is one of the most demanded applications among rhinoplasty surgeries, especially recently. Surgical applications for the shape of the nose aim to reshape the structure and appearance of the nose. In this way, it is possible to breathe comfortably and achieve a more aesthetic appearance. Closed rhinoplasty is recommended for people who are concerned about scarring in nose surgeries.

There are two different methods, closed or open, in nose surgeries performed for aesthetic purposes. In open nose surgery, an incision is made between the nostrils so that the tip and back of the nose are visible. In the nose surgery known as closed rhinoplasty, medical intervention is performed by entering through the hole without making an incision in the nose. In closed rhinoplasty, an incision is made between the upper and lower cartilages. In this way, aesthetic results can be obtained with a different method than open nose surgery, since the incisions are made only through the nose.

Does Closed Rhinoplasty Have a Permanent Effect?

Those who want to have closed rhinoplasty surgery may have some concerns about permanence after the application. Considering this surgical technique, since the bone and cartilage structure is accessed through the nose, the vessels, connective tissue and nerves do not undergo any intervention.

Although postoperative edema and swelling are very low, the nasal arch can be corrected and the low nasal tip can be lifted. The asymmetrical appearance of the nostrils can be corrected with closed nose surgery. Closed rhinoplasty operation provides permanent changes like other rhinoplasty surgeries. The desired aesthetic appearance can usually be achieved in one go without revision surgery.

Who Can Have Closed Rhinoplasty Aesthetic Surgery?

Those who have closed rhinoplasty plastic surgery are usually people who need a change in the structure of the nose due to aesthetic concerns. Since the intervention area in the nose is narrow in such surgeries, it is very effective for those who need a lighter nose shaping. People who are suitable for closed rhinoplasty can be evaluated in the following categories:

  • People who do not require a serious intervention on the tip of the nose
  • Those with small nasal deformities
  • Those with a high risk of scarring in front of the nose
  • People who require short and simple operations

Since closed rhinoplasty surgery is performed with smaller interventions, postoperative edema in the nose remains limited and heals quickly. It is a rhinoplasty surgery preferred by most people because it has a relatively short operation process.

What are the Advantages of Closed Rhinoplasty?

Among the benefits of closed rhinoplasty, there are significant advantages both during the procedure and in the results. Closed nose surgery is performed by making a small incision in the nose and cannot be seen from outside the nose. In this way, it is ideal for achieving the desired results with a mild intervention:

  • It results in a mild surgical appearance.
  • It provides a shorter recovery time.
  • Less aches and pains are felt.
  • The healing process is stress-free because it is easy.

Closed rhinoplasty is a type of plastic surgery performed without interfering with the vessels and nerves that supply the tip of the nose. In this way, a more comfortable blood circulation is seen in the nose even after surgery. This reduces edema and makes the recovery time much shorter. It has been observed that people experience less stress during the recovery process as mild but effective interventions are performed in closed nose surgeries.

What Should Be Considered Before Closed Rhinoplasty?

Before the closed rhinoplasty surgery, it is reviewed by looking at some criteria as in every aesthetic operation. First, the patient must undergo a general physical examination. The patient’s nasal structure is then photographed from different angles. Before the surgery, a common road map is determined on the aesthetic expectations of the patient and the doctor’s interventions.

Sometimes patients may, for example, like the nose structure of a famous person and request that it be applied to them. However, the nose desired by the patient may not always be suitable for the facial structure. In these procedures, our specialist doctors edit the photos taken in computer environment and show the patient what kind of nose he will have after the operation. A successful rhinoplasty surgery is realized when the most suitable nose structure is obtained for the person’s face shape.

How is Closed Rhinoplasty Performed?

Application methods may vary slightly for those who want to have closed rhinoplasty surgery. However, this surgery is performed as a medical intervention in a narrow area by making small incisions that cannot be seen from outside the nose. People who will have closed rhinoplasty undergo physical examination and various tests, and then the procedure is started in accordance with the surgery plan.

Since closed nose surgeries require medical intervention in the middle of the face, they are usually performed under general anesthesia instead of local anesthesia. Therefore, the patient should be prepared for surgery with an anesthetic needle under appropriate conditions. Then, our experienced specialist doctors perform aesthetic interventions in accordance with the predetermined treatment plan.

Are Pain and Soreness Feelable in Closed Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Closed rhinoplasty surgery is one of the painless rhinoplasty operations. Since rhinoplasty surgery is performed in the center of the face, the patient is not required to be conscious. Nose surgery is performed under general anesthesia even if it is performed with small incisions. Therefore, closed rhinoplasty surgery does not cause any pain or soreness. Postoperative painkillers can be used to prevent the patient from experiencing pain.

What are the Side Effects of Closed Rhinoplasty?

Side effects in closed rhinoplasty surgery can occur under certain conditions. For example, open nose surgery is recommended instead of closed rhinoplasty for people with trauma or fractures in the nose as a result of an accident. People who are dissatisfied with the appearance of the nose or who have breathing problems can have closed rhinoplasty surgery. However, it should not be forgotten that there are some risks in closed rhinoplasty surgeries as in every aesthetic operation. Closed rhinoplasty has a low risk of troublesome complications. Nevertheless, it is possible to list the side effects that may occur in closed rhinoplasty surgery as follows:

  • Redness and tenderness in the nasal area
  • Edema
  • Difficulty breathing and shortness of breath
  • Deformation of the nose requiring revision
  • Bruising and swelling
  • Asymmetrical nostrils

Closed rhinoplasty operations must be performed by specialist doctors. You can get support from our team for closed rhinoplasty operations that should be performed in technologically and medically equipped centers. Our experienced doctors achieve the desired results by performing aesthetic interventions suitable for the nasal structure and demands of each patient.

What Should Be Considered After Closed Rhinoplasty?

After closed rhinoplasty surgery, the patient should pay attention to some criteria in order to recover in a shorter time. Since there are no stitches or wounds outside the nose in this type of rhinoplasty surgery, the healing process can result very quickly. After the surgery, our specialist doctors give detailed information about the issues that the patient should pay attention to. Among these, the most important issues are the following:

  • Avoiding physically exhausting and strenuous activities
  • Not bending over or lifting heavy things
  • Consume as little solid food as possible for a period of time
  • Avoiding harmful habits that negatively affect healing, such as alcohol and smoking
  • Not cleaning the nose and not making external interventions
  • Not lying face down

In addition, it is very important to use the medicines recommended by our specialist doctors on a regular basis. In addition, patients with closed rhinoplasty should be checked periodically during the healing process. In order for the healing process to be completed in a much shorter time and without any problems, patients should take care to consume plenty of fluids every day.

How Long is the Recovery Time for Closed Rhinoplasty?

The recovery time for closed rhinoplasty surgery may vary depending on the extent of the aesthetic intervention performed on the patient’s nose. After closed nose surgery, the patient is discharged the next day and should enter the healing process in the right conditions at home. If patients who have undergone closed rhinoplasty surgery pay attention to the care conditions recommended by our specialist doctors, they can recover in a short time.

In closed nose surgeries, there is no significant swelling in the nose and face 5-7 days after the operation. It may take an average of 6 months or 1 year for the nasal structure to regain its full health. At the end of this process, the desired aesthetic image is obtained without revision to the closed rhinoplasty operation. If the patient pays attention to the healing process after the rhinoplasty operation, it is possible to remove the edema in the operation area in a shorter time.

Is Closed Rhinoplasty Aesthetic Surgery Difficult?

Many different claims can be made about the level of difficulty of closed rhinoplasty surgery. However, it may vary from person to person whether this surgery will work effectively or not. Closed rhinoplasty, which is described as difficult by some doctors, may cause difficulty due to limited access and movement space inside the nose. However, our specialist doctors are experienced in making the best use of the advantages offered by closed rhinoplasty aesthetic operations.

As a result, the difficulty level of this operation can be determined according to the nasal structure of the patient who will undergo closed rhinoplasty surgery and the medical intervention to be applied. The most suitable rhinoplasty method for each patient may be different from each other. Aesthetic operations that require milder intervention in closed technique should be preferred. It is recommended that you come for a check-up to get professional support and to understand whether your nasal structure is suitable for closed rhinoplasty surgery.

Is Closed Rhinoplasty Better or Open Surgery?

The comparison between closed rhinoplasty and open nose surgery has been an ongoing debate for many years. It is necessary to consider more than one criterion to say which of these operations gives better results. Because there is no single answer to the question “Is closed or open rhinoplasty better?”.

The method of rhinoplasty surgery may differ according to the nose structure of the person and the experience of the doctor. In order to get the best and fastest aesthetic results, the patient and the doctor should decide on the aesthetic operation method together. However, closed rhinoplasty surgeries always produce more beneficial results in aesthetic applications that require minor intervention.

How Much Are Closed Rhinoplasty Prices?

Antalya closed rhinoplasty prices may vary from person to person as in all aesthetic operations. The price of closed rhinoplasty surgery varies depending on the patient’s demands and which surgical method will be applied.

Therefore, it is important for those who want to have rhinoplasty surgery to be examined by our specialist doctors and undergo physical tests. You can benefit from our doctors who offer reliable treatment for closed rhinoplasty surgeries that can be applied to anyone who is not satisfied with the shape of the nose. Those who want to have closed rhinoplasty surgery in Antalya can have aesthetic surgery under conditions suitable for their budget.

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