Those who want Antalya rhinoplasty doctor recommendation should examine many different details in their doctor and clinic preferences. In particular, the surgeon’s expertise and experience, as well as the clinical facilities, should be taken into consideration. For this reason, it is necessary to first choose a clinic and doctor with a comprehensive research on issues that require rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty is among the most preferred aesthetic operations today. For these treatments, which require special expertise, the general health status of the patients should be examined in detail and the right methods should be determined accordingly. You can meet successful rhinoplasty applications by choosing our clinic among Antalya rhinoplasty doctors.

What is Rhinoplasty?

Antalya is one of the prominent cities in rhinoplasty surgeries. Rhinoplasty, in short rhinoplasty surgery, can be defined as the reshaping and restructuring of the nose. The main goal in rhinoplasty surgery applications is to make the nose both functionally and aesthetically perfect.

The nose, which has an important place in making the human face look beautiful and symmetrical, can be brought into the most functional form and shape according to the general facial features and expectations of the person with rhinoplasty. Contrary to popular belief, the only goal of rhinoplasty, which is a common type of plastic surgery, is not only aesthetic concerns, but also the correction of various trauma-related or congenital defects.

What are the Types of Rhinoplasty?

Although open and closed rhinoplasty applications come to mind when it comes to rhinoplasty types, today it is examined in a very wide perspective. About 6 different methods can be applied under the name of open and closed technique.

Briefly, methods in rhinoplasty surgeries are classified as follows:

  • Primary Rhinoplasty
  • Complicated Rhinoplasty
  • Tipplasty
  • Septorinoplati
  • Symptoplasty
  • Concha Surgery etc.

There are many rhinoplasty options that can be performed with open and closed techniques. These procedures are completely determined according to the general condition and needs of the patients. The most appropriate method to perfect the patient’s nasal structure both functionally and aesthetically should be determined after the tests to be performed by the specialist physician.

How is Open Rhinoplasty Performed?

After choosing your Antalya rhinoplasty doctor and clinic, the method is preferred after general examination and tests. After planning, implementation is carried out under two basic methods, open and closed. Open rhinoplasty, as the name suggests, is a method applied through incisions to be made in the nostrils.

Open rhinoplasty applications briefly consist of the following stages:

  • The operation is initiated for suitable patients under general anesthesia.
  • An incision is made through the nostrils to access the skin and tissues on the nose.
  • Then, an intercarkal incision is applied towards the tip of the nose with the help of these incisions.
  • After the skin and tissues are removed, the nose shaping stage is started.
  • The operation is completed with sutures and support after the procedure.

Open rhinoplasty applications, which consist of a few simple steps, are quite complex and require expertise as in many other surgical operations. You will therefore need to rely on the expertise of a doctor.

How is Closed Rhinoplasty Performed?

Closed rhinoplasty surgery is the removal of edema in the nose much faster than open rhinoplasty and the healing process takes place quickly. For this reason, the closed technique is more widely preferred. Scars also take longer to disappear in open procedures.

In closed rhinoplasty applications, the procedure steps generally consist of the following stages:

  • General anesthesia is applied as in open rhinoplasty procedures.
  • Incisions are not made from the outside, but from the inside, this time to access the tissues inside the nostrils.
  • Pre-determined correction and shaping procedures are applied by the surgeon.
  • The process is completed with stitches and supports.

Extremely successful results can be obtained with the closed technique, which is another widely preferred method in rhinoplasty. The important criterion here is the doctor’s expertise and experience as well as the clinical facilities.

In Which Situations Is Rhinoplasty Performed?

For any rhinoplasty procedure, even the best rhinoplasty doctor in Antalya, the general health status of the patients is checked and it is examined whether they are suitable for the operation. In this context, rhinoplasty can be decided in many different situations.

Rhinoplasty is an operation that aims to eliminate not only aesthetic concerns but also various disorders. In general, rhinoplasty applications can be performed to eliminate congenital, that is, congenital or acquired deformities. This includes deformities caused by trauma. From time to time, rhinoplasty applications are preferred as an aesthetic method in cases where the person is not satisfied with the shape of the nose.

Who Cannot Have Rhinoplasty?

The question of who cannot have rhinoplasty is also among the issues that need to be known before the surgery decision is made. Especially people whose general health condition is not suitable for surgical procedures are advised to avoid these procedures.

In rhinoplasty surgeries, rhinoplasty is generally not applied for people with the following types of conditions:

  • Those with serious health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, blood clotting problems,
  • Failure to meet age requirements (rhinoplasty is generally not recommended for people aged 18 and under),
  • People with severe body dysmorphic disorder and psychological problems,
  • Lack of appropriate expectations and general health status of patients, etc.

Rhinoplasty is not performed on patients who are not in good general health, have serious chronic conditions and do not meet other conditions.

How to Choose a Doctor and Clinic for Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Those who want to work with experts and experienced people in their search for an Antalya rhinoplasty doctor should make their clinic choices according to certain criteria. Since aesthetic surgery procedures are a branch that requires experience as well as expertise, it is recommended to conduct detailed research on this subject.

In addition to paying attention to such details in choosing a doctor, it is essential to examine the clinical facilities where the doctor will perform the procedure. You can get full support from our clinic, which has proven its expertise among Antalya rhinoplasty doctors and thanks to its high recovery success in patients.

What Should Be Considered After Rhinoplasty?

Among the issues to be considered after rhinoplasty, making some changes in the living conditions of the patients is in the first place. Among these issues, it is especially important to review smoking and alcohol use and diet. As after many other surgical procedures, resting under appropriate conditions is the most important criterion.

Some of the things to be considered after rhinoplasty are briefly as follows:

  • Keeping the head elevated for a while,
  • Correct setting of resting conditions.
  • Avoid sun, dust and cigarette smoke.
  • Control of bruises and swellings and dressings.
  • Use of recommended medications and follow-up by a doctor.
  • Review of dietary habits.
  • Minimization of physical activity, etc.

It is possible for patients to recover much faster with the factors to be considered after rhinoplasty. Although the healing process usually takes more than 6 months after rhinoplasty, the desired results can be obtained quickly with a correct postoperative process follow-up.

What is the Recovery Process of Rhinoplasty Surgery?

The rhinoplasty healing process should be followed step by step. Patients are kept under observation immediately after surgery, usually within a few hours. A bandage and plaster are usually applied on the nose. In the first days, swelling and bruises may occur on the nose.

In the first few days the plaster is removed and only the bandages remain. Splints or tampons in the nose are removed depending on the swelling and bruising. In the first few months, the improvement in the shape and contours of the nose becomes evident and clear. In the following periods, successful results are obtained as soon as possible with the things to be considered after surgery.

What are the Risks and Complications of Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Although the harm of rhinoplasty is extremely low, it may occur in some cases. As with all other minor and major surgical operations and surgeries, rhinoplasty has various risks. In general, these risks include problems with general anesthesia, bleeding, infection or undesirable outcomes such as asymmetry.

In order to avoid unsuccessful rhinoplasty results, patients should pay attention to many issues after the procedure and make the right doctor and clinic choices. The healing process and complications may vary from patient to patient. Regular medical check-ups are therefore also an important factor.

When Is Full Recovery After Rhinoplasty?

Although full recovery after rhinoplasty varies from person to person, an average of 6 to 12 months is required. The exact results of the surgery need to be seen within a year. On the other hand, people with thicker nasal skin in terms of anatomical features will have longer recovery times.

In order to see full recovery after rhinoplasty and to get definite results from the surgery, patients are advised to make adjustments in their daily habits for the first few months. This includes everything from nutrition to reducing harmful habits. Recovery times vary according to the preferred rhinoplasty methods.

Is Rhinoplasty Permanent?

Permanent rhinoplasty surgeries are known as rhinoplasty applications. Although there are non-surgical rhinoplasty applications with fillers or other methods today, these procedures do not give permanent results and may cause different problems when not applied correctly. For this reason, rhinoplasty applications should be applied for a permanent and fully desired aesthetic nose.

The correct rhinoplasty method is selected by the surgeon according to the expectations and general health status of the patients. Thanks to prior planning, patients’ expectations from rhinoplasty surgery can be met and rhinoplasty can be performed permanently.

How Many Hours Does Rhinoplasty Surgery Take?

Rhinoplasty surgery is usually completed in 2 – 4 hours. However, these periods may be shorter or longer depending on each patient and surgeon. Therefore, the duration of surgery will also vary from person to person. Today, thanks to the use of many new methods in aesthetic surgery and modern clinical facilities, rhinoplasty applications can be completed successfully in a much shorter time.

Factors such as the general condition of the patients, expectations, clinical facilities and doctor’s skill, the method to be chosen will cause the procedure times to change in rhinoplasty surgery. Doctor and clinic choices are among the most important factors to get results as soon as possible.

How Much Are Rhinoplasty Prices in Antalya?

Antalya rhinoplasty prices are determined according to many variables as in all other aesthetic applications. Among these variables, clinic and physician preferences rank first. The surgeon’s experience and expertise, clinic – hospital fees, procedure difficulty and method selection, additional costs and market conditions are effective.

You can choose our expertise not only for affordable prices but also for successful results in rhinoplasty applications. Thanks to our surgeons who have proven their expertise and success among Antalya rhinoplasty doctors and our clinic with modern techniques, you can see the best results in the field of rhinoplasty by choosing our clinic.

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