Rhinoplasty is one of the most commonly performed aesthetic surgery procedures in the field of rhinoplasty. It offers a solution for both people with aesthetic concerns and those who have problems with nasal functions. This procedure aims to achieve a more balanced and harmonious appearance by correcting the shape and size of the nose. At the same time, the nasal septum is corrected, widening the airway inside the nose and thus relieving breathing problems.

Rinoplasti Nedir?

Rhinoplasty is a combination of the Greek words “rhinos” (nose) and “plastikos” (to shape) and refers to a surgical procedure to correct nasal aesthetics. In this procedure, corrections are made on elements such as the shape of the nose, the back of the nose, the shape of the tip of the nose, the wings of the nose and the nostrils.

Estetik ve Fonksiyonel Rinoplasti

Rhinoplasty aims both to improve the appearance of the nose of people with aesthetic concerns and to facilitate the breathing of those who have problems with nasal functions. While aesthetic rhinoplasty improves facial symmetry by correcting the shape and size of the nose, functional rhinoplasty corrects breathing problems with anatomical corrections in the nose.

Rinoplasti Nasıl Yapılır?

Rhinoplasty is usually performed under local or general anesthesia. The plastic surgeon creates a plan by evaluating the patient’s nasal structure and wishes. During the procedure, incisions are made from the inside or outside to access the nasal skin and nasal cartilages. Through these incisions, corrections are made to the structure of the nose and cartilage and bone tissues are reshaped.

Rinoplasti Sonrası İyileşme Süreci

The healing process after rhinoplasty may differ in each patient. After the operation, a plaster or bandage is applied on the nose. This helps to support and heal the nose. Swelling and bruising may occur during the healing process, but will subside over time. During the first few days, it is important to rest, maintain the lying position and follow the mouth and nose cleaning routines recommended by the doctor.

Rinoplasti Sonuçları

Rhinoplasty results vary depending on the patient’s expectations and the structure of the nose. After the procedure, the nose becomes more balanced, aesthetically harmonious and natural. In addition, breathing problems are greatly reduced or completely eliminated. Patients often report increased self-confidence and a better quality of life after rhinoplasty.

Rinoplasti İçin Uygun Adaylar

Suitable candidates for rhinoplasty are people who are in good general health and who experience dissatisfaction with the aesthetics or functions of the nose. It is important for people considering this procedure to realistically evaluate their expectations and talk to their doctors in detail before the procedure.

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure aimed at aesthetic and functional nose correction. This procedure offers an effective solution to improve rhinoplasty and relieve breathing problems. The healing process after rhinoplasty is important and patients should have regular check-ups and proper care in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations. For suitable candidates, rhinoplasty is an option that boosts their confidence and allows them to achieve a more balanced nasal appearance.

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